Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Lights, camera(phone), action

originally uploaded by lyndonperry.
This pic was shot with my Palm Treo 700p. All 1.3 megapixels temporarily became my canvas. I really did shoot this on purpose.

It dig the textile effect. That was purely accidental. I was more interested in capturing the halo that is notorious for the typical lo-fi camera in (America's) cellphones.

Every time I look at this image I find myself turning my head clockwise, and then the other way. I guess that means there is a focal point, but with my eye is trying to decipher what should be the top. With the horizon shifting it is difficult to find that reference. Too bad, in this case, that we are constrained to a four-sided frame.

Its that "life gives you lemons, make lemonade" approach to crappy cellphones. You can find a way to make something visually... interesting with the meager 1.3 megapixels and low light.

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