Wednesday, August 22, 2007

It is official - summer is over

While we'll have our 90's, we'll have our humidity, we'll have our thunderstorms for the next month or even two, the summer time is officially over. 

Tomorrow morning the kids head off to school for the '07 - '08 school year.  The kids are saying their farewell's tonight to late nights and lazy mornings.  We're trading in our "what would you like to do tonight's  for "did you get everything done?'s.  The cushy life is on hold for now.

This 2007 summer has been good in most ways.  I personally feel like it has been long, which is a good thing.  Winter is fine, as long as there is snow on the ground, but I prefer hanging out with summer.  Like not a little.  Like, a lot.

Busyness is here.  Let the games begin.

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